PLEASE NOTE: If we can’t verify your membership using your real name & location we may not be able to add you to the group. If your profile is not set to public then we may not be able to verify your membership, so be looking for a private message from a moderator asking your current state of residence. You have to currently be LIVING south of the Mason Dixon Line to be considered a “Southern Woodworker”. If you requested membership and have not been added in 24-48 hours, please contact our admins at:
Our Vision for this Group is for it to serve as an extension to the online woodworking community, and as such the content posted here should be relevant and helpful. While we have nothing against entertaining and fun Facebook posts, you already have enough of that in your feed from other groups.
What’s OK to post:
Any woodworking question about projects, tools, techniques, and events.
Your project pictures. Use this as a place to show off your work and feel free to ask for feedback and criticism.
Personal tools/wood you are trying to sale. This is not a swap and shop, so please use common sense when posting. Anything more than 3 posts a month selling tools, is excessive and you will receive a warning, unless otherwise approved.
Videos. Let me clarify. If someone asks a question and you want to post a video that you think will help them, go for it. But please refrain from posting videos just for the sake of sharing them if they have no woodworking relevance, even if they are your own. If you would like to hare your video, please post the link. This gives members the option to view it. This keeps the group’s page from looking like another YouTube feed.
Please note: Do NOT post a injury/gory picture directly to the group. Instead we ask you to write up your post and then in the comments post the picture. That way members can choose if they want to look at the picture.
What’s NOT OK to post:
Memes. those are the pictures with block letters that sometimes say something witty but most often not.
Nothing religious or political in nature (this includes your avatar).
Self-Promotion. Please refrain from inviting people to join your group, subscribe to your page, or subscribe to your YouTube channel. Admittedly, this can be something of a gray area and will usually be a judgement call on our part. Some things will be OK and some things won’t (if you are near milestones and need a few subscribers, that’s ok). We’ll do our best to clarify this over time. When in doubt, don’t post it or simply ask the moderators.