Meet the Maker - Linen & Rust

Meet The Maker

    Instead of Meet the Maker, this week’s guest might have been featured on Hoarder’s if it weren’t for his awe-inspiring shop, Linen & Rust located in Jacksonville, Florida! John Marro not only is a maker himself, but also through a strict vetting process joins with other makers that creates the eclectic atmosphere of Linen & Rust. John states if it wasn’t in his shop it would be at his house! 
     I asked John his favorite thing he ever made. His answer was Nick Ferry’s Two Tool Table! It found a new home after John’s daughter sold it in the shop! John is quick to help other makers and decorators, offering classes on some different items. Do you know what a noodle board is? I didn’t know, but I want one now! It is placed on a flat stove top to give you more room! Another item in the store is the reproduction soda boxes. Both of us agree that is definitely reminiscent of our youth! John’s forest of Christmas trees soon were decorated and placed in people’s homes. They were made for a private customer’s Christmas get-together, John can accommodate your ideas for decor items. In the Blanket Ladder class, John’s students learn to use Miss Mustard Seed’s Chippy Paint. It is not a beginner’s paint as it is powder based. However, it gives items the popular look of weathered and distressed items. 
     John has begun his journey into the world of CNC! It will surely open doors to more beautiful creations! 
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Catharine Hoehn